Give In

Sugar, spice and everything nice! The main concept behind the performance is how we can benefit and make an advanatge out of a circumstance which is purely vulnerable for both of the performers and the audience as they sit around us in a 4 meter diameter circle.

Choreographers and performers: Emese Nagy, Jessica Simet, Kristóf Várnagy
Music: Rona Geffen
Mentor: Hodworks
Support: Arccal a halnak-Artus, Workshop Foundation
Photo: Csaba Molnár

Emese Nagy choreographer

Choreographers and performers: Emese Nagy, Jessica Simet, Kristóf Várnagy
Music: Rona Geffen
Mentor: Hodworks
Support: Arccal a halnak-Artus, Workshop Foundation
Photo: Csaba Molnár

Emese Nagy choreographer
Emese Nagy choreographer
Emese Nagy choreographer
Emese Nagy choreographer